Thursday, July 12, 2007

Well, I'll just go ahead and update this even though I'm sure no one checks it any more...

To all four of my faithful blog readers, sorry once again for the long time between posts! It's not really surprising to me that I don't do this faithfully! It fits right in to all of the things in my life that I have initially been very excited about that rather quickly just fizzled out!!! Good thing thing marriage isn't a hobby!

We've been doing well! As usual, we've had a lot going on. If it wasn't so blasted hot, I don't think I'd realize it's summer! You certainly can't tell by looking at me since I haven't really been in the sun at all! Our biggest event is that I started seeing a reproductive endocrinologist a few weeks ago. This was a really big step for us both emotionally and financially, but we felt like it was the right time. And God has definitely given us some confirmations throughout the process. One big one is that the doctor that I'm seeing, who is relatively new to the practice, is a strong Christian and goes to our church! I had no idea until I went for my consultation! The doctor was able to tell me pretty quickly what at least one of my problems is, although there may be more tests down the road. But if all goes well tomorrow when I go in for a check up tomorrow, I'll will actually have my first procedure, IUI, this weekend. I won't go into detail about what that is, but we really hope it works!!! Please pray for us in this process.

On a lighter note, we are looking forward to having vacation in about a week. We will be headed up to South Carolina...oh actually North Carolina - to stay in my parents' new house! I'm very excited about that, and so is Alli, who loves it up there! I'm also excited to be off for a whole week because I really need a break!

I'm including some pictures just for the fun of it. These are from last Saturday. Dan and Alli went trail riding in the morning, and Dan and I went to Epcot that night. We ate at a wonderful place in Canada called Le Cellier, and I highly recommend it!!!! Oh, we also got our house painted recently, so as soon as I take a picture, I'll put that on here too!

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