Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Prayer Request

Well, today was a big day! I had my first IUI (Intrauterine Insemination). It has been quite a weekend. Friday, I went in to the doctor's office to have my follicles checked. There were only two, and they weren't all that big. Then, I was supposed to get a call or a message that afternoon. Then, I didn't hear anything. Then, I had a meltdown! To make a long story short, I found out from the nurse on call on Sunday that they were having me come in on Monday for another scan. The scan on Monday showed two big follicles that seemed ready to release their eggs. Last night I had to give myself a shot to induce ovulation...in my stomach! Yikes. But I survived! And today was the procedure.

Everything seemed to go well. It was not anywhere close to the most pleasant experience I've ever had. It was quite uncomfortable. But the mission was accomplished! Now I have the two week wait to see if it worked. Oh, how we hope it worked! Technically, we have a 20% chance of success. But we figured that, if it's God's will, we have a 100% chance. And if it's not: 0%! We'd love your prayers during this time. Pray that God will prepare our hearts for whatever the outcome is.

This is good timing, though, because we leave for vacation this Friday. That means we'll just be able to rest and see what happens!

Well, I just wanted to update you on our big day. All this stuff is a big step for us, but we can see a lot of ways that God is working!

1 comment:

Page said...

My prayers are with you! Love you!