Friday, August 3, 2007

GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, you know that 0%/100% thing I wrote about in the last post - about whether our IUI would work? Well, looks like God gave us the 100%! We found out Monday that I'm pregnant!!!! We're so excited! I had a blood test on Monday and again on Wednesday, and everything looks good! It's very early, of course. We just had the procedure a little over two weeks ago, but we're staying positive. And we're way too excited to keep it a secret (besides, how could we when almost everyone knew about the IUI?). So we're letting people know so that they can praise God with us and pray for a healthy and successful pregnancy.

I don't have an official due date yet, but it should be some time in the beginning of April. I have an ultrasound scheduled for August 20th, so we should know more at that time. I can't wait to see that little heartbeat! After over two years of waiting, it's sooo exciting!

Well, we do thank you for your prayers. We know that they made all the difference. We rejoice and praise God for his goodness to us. It's really very overwhelming! We'll keep you posted.

PS: We had a great trip to see my parents last week. It is so beautiful up there, and it was very relaxing. We'll post some pictures soon!


stephanie said...

We are so very excited with you!!!!! We will pray that the Lord will protect this little life and that you will have a joyous pregnancy.
Missed seeing you in Orlando. Hope to connect soon in Gville.
The Hickmans

Unknown said...

Praise God!!! I'll be praying for you and Dan and that little one! I love the blog and I'm about to read through all the postings to catch up.

Love, Abby