Monday, January 14, 2008

OK, OK...

Well, I officially am one of the worst bloggers ever! Maybe once this little boy arrives, I'll get better since I'll want to brag on him all the time! It looks like his pictures are my main motivation lately anyway! I did want to post some Christmas pictures, but they are all on Dan's computer, and I haven't had a chance to blog from his. Anyway, I'm sleepy and waiting to pick Dan up from the airport, so there's no time like the present!

Dan has been on his "pre-daddy" trip to Breckenridge to go snowboarding! He loves snowboarding, but he hasn't been able to go since we got married. He had a great time, and his brother, David, and two of his cousins were also able to go! He's been gone since last Wednesday, so I'll be very happy for him to get home.

While he was gone, my mom came down, and we worked on the nursery! It was lots of work, but so much fun and well worth it! It's incomplete, but it looks so cute already. I'll post pictures (hopefully) when we get it all finished! On Friday, Dan's mom came over too to help us. We really did have a nice time, and it was so nice to have my mom here while Dan was gone!

As far as baby goes, he's doing well! I had a doctor's appointment on Thursday, and since my mom was there, she did a short ultrasound for us. It wasn't the clearest thing, but we got some good shots of his little nose and lips. If I had to guess, I'd say he has Dan's nose and my lips, but we'll see! My belly is getting very big! I think I'll end up gaining a little more weight than I had hoped, but I guess I deserve it. I have been faithful to walk very regularly, but I've also eaten quite a bit too! I'm now 28 weeks pregnant, and I really can't believe it. It's all going by so fast, and I know that April will be here before we know it!

The new year has certainly been full of baby stuff! Dan and I have been going through things and rearranging to make room to fit this little guy. Then, of course, my mom came and we worked. And next will be the showers, which is definitely exciting!

Well, I guess that's enough for now! I want to post about Christmas and put some pictures up, so hopefully I will do that before Easter! All in all, we're doing well and feeling very blessed these days (unless we're talking about budget)! I hope you are too!

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