Sunday, April 13, 2008

Two weeks later...

Well, we're all still alive! Actually, all things considered, I think things have gone very smoothly so far. I can't tell you how much it has helped to have my mom here. She has been such a blessing to Dan, Andrew, and me, and I'm not so sure we would have made it without her!

Andrew is a wonderful blessing! He is so cute and sweet, and I just can't get enough of him. I just hold him and give him kisses, and it's just so unbelievable to me that I'm holding our very own baby. I've been thinking a lot about the longing and the waiting, and what a tremendous joy it is to see how God answered the prayers of so many with this little life!

The hardest part so far has been breastfeeding. After a week, Andrew had lost a little too much weight and clearly was not getting full. After meeting with a lactation consultant, we decided we needed to supplement with formula, and I also started taking some herbs that will hopefully help me. It's quite a routine that we're going through right now to hopefully be able to keep breastfeeding or even get back to doing that exclusively. Right now we're just taking it one day at a time. We'd love your prayers for our wisdom in that area.

This week, Dan goes back to work. He worked last week, but he was able to do it from home. I will miss having him here so much. And this is my last week with my mom here! I will be bawling my eyes out when she has to go home! But I am staring to get the hang of things more and more, so hopefully it won't take long for Andrew and me to settle into a routine of our own.

We know how many people have rejoiced with us in this wonderful event, and we are so thankful to all of you. Thank you for your prayers and love. We love you!


Page said...

Oh Holly, he really is precious! I'll keep praying for you.

Tracy Carson said...

Holly!! I feel for you girl, we had almost the same exact issues! It sounds so familiar. Owen lost so much weight early on from breastfeeding issues the doctor almost made me feed him formula in his office. We went through it all, pumping, supplementing, the whole kit and caboodle. If you just need to vent, let me know and if you want... I learned a lot and would love to share if you need to talk. Press on and remember that whatever helps Andrew grow and get what he needs is best in the long run! He is a cutie!

Unknown said...

Hi, my Holly! I will pray for you because I have heard from many friends that breastfeeding problems are so difficult for new moms. But, I knwo you can do it and please don't be too hard on yourself. There is no one on this earth that can care for your baby better than you, whether breastfeeding or not. He is incredibly gorgeous and that picture of you sleeping beside him made me tear up. What a beautiful sight! I'm thinking of and praying for y'all. I hope to meet Andrew soon. Love, Abby