Thursday, October 30, 2008

What a Month!

October has been a full and wonderful month! We visited some great friends, celebrated our fourth anniversary, dedicated Andrew at church, and celebrated my 32nd birthday! It has been full and lots of fun. All the while, Andrew continues to grow and change, which is amazing!

We spent time in Wellington, FL with our friends, Vaughn, Jaime, and Kate Stoll. Dan went to UF with them, and we both love spending time with them! Their daughter, Kate is almost exactly a year older than Andrew, and she is quite a beauty! Andrew had a great time playing with her, and he must have learned a thing or two because, by the end of the weekend, he was babbling up a storm and saying "da da."

I know it's not very original for us, but I LOVE spending time at Disney World for special events! So, for our forth anniversary, we spent the weekend there! Our first night was without Andrew, which actually went quite well! Andrew had a great time with his Grandparents, and we had a great time dining at the California Grill! It overlooks the Magic Kingdom, and we had a really nice window seat! Andrew joined us on Saturday, and then we had some fun family time.

The following weekend was the Parent/Child Dedication at our church. That is where we commit to raise Andrew in a Christ-centered home with the hope that he will also grow to love Jesus and follow Him throughout his life. My parents and Dan's parents came, and we all enjoyed our time together. My parents were here for a whopping 36 hours -way too short! But it was great to see them!

This is Andrew's Halloween costume. Obviously, it's not Halloween yet, but this is when he was trying it on. His costume is really cute, but I think it's going to be a little short. That kid is long!

God gave me a special birthday blessing with some cool weather this week! Oh, how I have loved the crisp, cool air, and Andrew seems to have liked it too! This morning, I felt like I needed to cover his ears when we went out for a walk because he has had a cold. Dan's Grandma Rock made him this hat before he was born, so we tried it on this morning. It was super cute and it's almost too small now. Unfortunately, it was actually pretty warm by the time we got outside, so I had to take it off. Hopefully, he'll have another chance to wear it!

Well, that's about it for now! Enjoy the pictures of my little man!


CK said...

You do have one of the cutest little men ever!!


Unknown said...

Holly, as always, love the photos and info on y'all and your little man. My favorite picture is the one of Andrew in his Halloween costume, with a little glimpse on Alli checking everything out. I love it!!

I don't know if you've seen on my blog, but baby Max is coming home!! You probably saw it and left me a comment and I'm's hard to keep things straight these days. We are hoping to know a definitive date by the end of this week. I'll send out a big email once we know and then I'll update the blog while we're there. Can you believe it?

Oh, and happy, happy birthday. I need to put it on my calendar. I'm sorry that I missed it. I am always surprised that you're younger than me! ; )

Love to you and your family! Abby