Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Year, New Bedtime, New Computer, New Resolution?

I'm not really one for New Year's Resolutions.  Never have been.  Dan is!  He make his new goals every year, and I think that's great, but he just hasn't won me over yet!  This year may be a bit different, however!  For one thing, Andrew has a new bedtime!  We had been putting him to bed at around 8, but he had to fight to stay awake. I was afraid to put him down earlier because he's such an early bird that I thought he would end up getting up at 5 or 5:30 every morning!  But one of our friends suggested that we just try it (offering a book called Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child), so we did.  It has gone so well!   He now goes to bed at 7ish, and I feel like I have an evening again!

In addition to this, I got a big surprise for Christmas!  My computer has been pretty much dead for quite some time.  That's one of the reasons I haven't been a very good blogger.  But Dan surprised me with a MacBook for Christmas!  It was the biggest Christmas surprise I've ever gotten!  I love it, although I'm sure I'll be figuring it out for quite some time.  So, having said all that, I may actually resolve to blog more often.  I've really made that goal more than once, so we'll see.  

We had a wonderful Christmas!  We spent a couple of days with Dan's family in Leesburg, and then we spent a week with my family in NC!  We made sure to spend some good time up there because my parents are moving to Calgary, Alberta, Canada at the end of this month!  I still can't believe it!  My dad will be the pastor of a church up there for at least three years.  It looks like they will have to sell their house, so we're bummed about that, but we're excited for this adventure that God is taking them on at this point in their lives!

Andrew enjoyed Christmas, although it wore him out!  He's changing so much.  He got his top front teeth for Christmas!  He also got some really fun gifts!  He's crawling and pulling up all the time.  We really don't think it will be long until he's walking.  Although we have to watch him a lot more, he's so much fun to play with!  He's also very talkative - lots of babbling! We surely do love him more and more every day.  He's a really sweet, good natured boy even though he also has his demanding and stubborn side!!

Well, that's it for now.  I'll add some pictures so you can see my sweet little boy!


Dave and Amy Carroll said...

hey! have a mac too and LOVE it. it's so much faster than our old computer, plus does tons of music/video editing. (which might not apply to you... but oh, well.)

glad you guys had a great christmas!

Susanne said...

Thanks for this update, Holly. So glad y'all had such a great Christmas. Your little one is truly precious!

Great news about your Dad! (Been following him on Facebook.) We will definitely be lifting he and your mom up in prayer during this transition.

Will he be working at all with Rob Blackaby? Chris and I met him out our Church Planters commissioning service last March. Sounds like they've got some great stuff going on there!

Oh well, just thought I'd check in. Hope you have a great day!

Mrs.Rock said...

He will be working with Rob, Susanne. He will be helping out with development at the seminary where Rob is president. They have developed a good friendship over the past six months, so I think it will be a good relationship! Thanks for the nice words about Andrew! He's wonderful!