Monday, January 19, 2009

Just a little Update

One of the thing that keeps me from blogging regularly is that I feel like I need to have pictures to post every time.  With my old computer, that was a problem because it really couldn't deal with holding pictures any more!  Now, in the past few weeks, we've taken a bit of a picture hiatus.  Andrew is just as cute as ever, and he's doing some fun things, but we have not been on top of capturing his cuteness on film.  

So, here's an update with no pictures.  And now that I'm writing, I'm thinking, what do I really have to say?  Andrew had his second night away from home last night.  He stayed with Gigi and Papa (Dan's parents), so that I could work today since I'm going out of town later this week.  I was a little more nervous this time than last time because he's so much more aware now.  He's starting to show some little signs of separation anxiety.  But at the same time, I want him to be used to being over there and staying with them sometimes so that he will look forward to it.  Anyway, he did great last night - no problem at all!  He's such a big boy!  

Speaking of grandparents, my parents are making their big move next week.  I can't remember if I mentioned this last post, but they are moving to Calgary in Canada, and my dad will be the pastor of a church.  We're very excited for them and what God will do, but the reality has definitely been sinking in for me over the past couple of weeks.  I'm sad that they will be so far away.  My mom will come visit pretty often, but my dad won't have as much freedom.  And they were hoping to be able to keep their house in NC (or we were hoping), but they decided it would be best to sell it.  I'm definitely grieving the loss of a a place to call "home" in SC/NC.  We're looking forward to our visits up there, but there is no doubt that it's a bittersweet situation.  Andrew and I will be headed up to NC Wednesday through Friday to see them one last time before they leave.  I'm sure that will be emotional for me!

Andrew is crawling all over the place, and "walking" as long as he's holding on to something. He can walk behind a push toy or walk down the couch while he's holding on.  I spend most of the day following him around the house!  He makes me laugh so much.  It's fun to see his personality coming out.  He's funny and serious, a lot like both Dan and me really!  It's fun to experience how my love for him (and Dan too) grows and grows and grows with each passing day!  It's also amazing to see what God teaches me through motherhood!

Dan celebrated his 32nd birthday last weekend!!!  I always like when he catches up with me!  He got his favorite gift when the Gators won the national championship!  But we also spent his actual birthday at Disney!  They are doing this promotion this year where you get free admittance on your birthday, but if you are a passholder, you have a couple of options. The one that we chose is a free birthday funcard.   It's a $75 gift card that you can spend in most of the stores on property!!!  Free money!!!!!  We had fun shopping for Disney stuff that we normally would not buy.  It was a great birthday celebration!

Our pastor challenged us for the second year to seek the Lord for a word for the year.  Mine this year is contentment.  I find myself consumed so often with things that I want.  Sometimes it's stuff.  Sometimes it's relational or emotional. I know I have a lot to learn about contentment, and what a good lesson to learn!  I have so much to be thankful for and so much richness to draw from in my daily walk with Jesus!  But I miss those things so often when I stay consumed with things that I WANT or that I'm waiting for.  Hopefully, I'll remember to post on here the things that God is teaching me through my word of the year!

Well, that's about it for now.  I mean, I'm sure there's other stuff, but that's all I feel like writing!

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