Thursday, March 15, 2007

And Tomorrow...The Weekend!

(This picture doesn't have anything to do with the posting. I just like it. It's from our trip to Europe last September. This is in Berlin!)
I usually feel happy on Thursday nights because the next day starts the weekend (and The Office comes on)! Today has been pretty good anyway, though, because I only worked for about five hours today! I had a very long day at work yesterday, so that was the reward! And our big reward this weekend is spending it at the beach with Chris and Sarah! Sarah was in my counseling class at RTS, and we got really close during the last semester. It's so nice because she and I have a lot in common and Chris and Dan have a lot in common. We never run out of thing to talk about. And they have a golden retriever, Riley, who is Alli's best friend. Riley stayed with us for two weeks back in the fall, and it was very sad for Alli when she had to go home!

One of the quirks about me is that when I find something that I like (food, activities, people, etc), I get kind of obsessed with them. (Maybe I should see someone about that!) Anyway, my new obsession is reading blogs. Every time I find out that someone I know has a blog, I put it into my favorites and check it at least once a day! I think that for me, it's a way to stay connected to close friends who, for the most part, live far away. I'm thankful for them!

Well, that's it for now. Dan's out having dinner with some guys, so I had time write about nothing in particular!


stephanie said...

If only we had had "The Office" when we were together in Spartanburg...oh, it's only right that you like the Office, Holly. Oh how I wish we could all watch it together. That would make me happy. Maybe next time we're in Orlando, we'll bring our Office DVD's and we'll watch them all together and make up for lost time...gotta go, it's almost time to watch...

Page said...

The young adult group at my church meets on Thursday nights at 7 for Bible Study, and then we watch the Office afterwards on this guy's giant projector tv (it projects onto his living room wall). I should have known you would like it.. I'll have to send you a link to a Podcast of "The Apartment" which is a spoof of the Office produced by some guys that I know!