We had a great weekend with Chris and Sarah last weekend! It was cold, so we didn't get to spend much time on the beach, but it was still fun to be with our friends and very relaxing! They have these automatic storm shutters on the condo, so we could put them down at night and it was sooo dark! Dan was excited because he and Chris got to play golf. I was happy that he was finally using the new driver I got him for Christmas! And we got to eat seafood! Oh, one other thing: we learned that soy burger crumble is actually good!
Alli and Riley had a fun time together. Riley definitely won the energy battle. Alli keeps slowing down a little more each week! But they still played and ran and swam and had lots of fun. You can see from the pictures below. There is also one where she's showing you how she's our 75 pound lap dog! My lap is her favorite place to be!
We've had a good week and I'm glad it's almost the weekend again! Wednesday night I had book club. We read a great book this time called Gentlemen and Players by Joanne Harris. She's the author who wrote Chocolat. I recommend it to those of you out there who like to read!
We've been leading this bible study called The Truth Project for the past couple of months, and it's really good. Dan could explain it better than I can, but the premise is about whether we really believe what we say we believe and why. It has kind of an apologetic feel, but it examines things like science, the family, the state, etc, how God intended these things to be, and what our world has done with them. It's a lot of information! The only problem is that it's at our house, and it's long, so I'm looking forward to the end to get a little break. I like having people over, but it's a lot when we're both working so much!
This weekend our big project is building a whelping box for our little mama to be! We have to get it ready early so that she will get used to it and hopefully not decide to have her puppies on our bed. By the way, for those of you who wonder about our (or my) obsession with our dog, she's just our surrogate child as we wait (and wait) for God's timing for our children! She's a real blessing in the midst of this time, but we do have perspective! We know she's just a dog!
1 comment:
warm weather and the beach...how jealous am I? Very jealous. :)
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